Home / FAQs / Does a Removal company dismantle and reassemble furniture?

Does a Removal company dismantle and reassemble furniture?

Is our Removal company able to dismantle and reassemble furniture prior to our move?

At Mannix Brothers Removals when we carry out your free Removal survey we are able to advise if a piece of furniture will need to be dismantled prior to moving home.  You are able to carry this out if happy to do so or we can provide you with costs for our team to do this on your behalf.

What sort of furniture may need to be dismantled?

Any of the items below may require dismantling prior to removal depending on access at your current or new property:

  • Dining tables – we are able to remove the legs for safe transportation.  We will also wrap your table in protective blankets so that no damage occurs.
  • Larger settees – we may need to remove the feet from the settee to get this safely out of your current property and into your new property.
  • American fridge freezers – depending on access out of and into your new property, we may need to remove the doors for ease.
  • White goods – Washing machine, dishwashers, tumble dryers – these will need to be disconnected and any water emptied prior to our arrival.
  • Chests of drawers – Most of these can be moved as they are.  No need to pack the clothes as they can be transported as they are, saving you valuable time!
  • Divan beds – We can take care of the dismantling and reassembling of those.
  • Framed/slatted beds – These will need to be dismantled at the current property and reassembled at the new property – we can quote for this if required.
  • Cots – If a cot is wider than the standard door frame then they generally will need to be dismantled prior to removal – we can quote to do this on your behalf.
  • Wardrobes – Generally if these were assembled upstairs at your current property, they will need to be dismantled prior to removal – we can quote to do this on your behalf.
  • Kallax Units – Generally if these are downstairs, they will not need to be dismantled, if upstairs and larger than 4 x 2 then they will need to be dismantled – we can quote to do this on your behalf.
  • Exercise equipment – If these pieces are upstairs then they often need to be dismantled prior to removal – we can quote to do this on your behalf.

We are more than happy to dismantle and reassemble any items required just discuss this with your surveyor during your free survey visit.