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How do we manage pets during your removal?

When it comes to moving home we want you to feel at ease moving with us. It is not just your items we take care of.

Moving home can be one of life’s most stressful events.  When you decide to move with us we ensure you are comfortable with all aspects of your move.  If you have pets we are mindful how stressful this process can be for them too.  If you have cats please feel free to keep them comfortable in a room they are happy in and we will  move all items from other rooms firstly and then when you are ready we will take care of the room they are in, leaving this until last.

Have dogs?  We love those too and know just how unsettling this process can be for them too.  All of our staff are familiar with pets so know how to ensure they feel comfortable throughout.


On guard

Cats matter to us.

Taking care of all your family