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How much does moving home cost?

How much does it cost to move home?

This is a question we are asked on a regular basis.  The truth is this can vary from house to house and depends on many factors which we have listed below:

  1. Size of property
  2. Goods to be moved
  3. Distance moving to
  4. Number of vehicles required
  5. Number of staff required
  6. Services chosen such as purely removal of items, dismantling and reassembling of any furniture, packing services chosen if any
  7. Monday – Friday are the most cost effective days on which to move but if a Saturday is required for some reason then you need to bear in mind staff overtime rates

So taking into consideration the above points we are able to give guide prices but to ensure these are accurate as yours may be cheaper or more costly then the best way to determine this is by having us out to your property to ascertain the above points by having a free removal survey.

Guide costs for budgeting purposes:

Leicester to Leicester radius within a 5 mile radius

Typical 2 bedroom property from  £300-£350 + vat 3.5 tonne removal vehicle with 2 staff members.

Typical 3 bedroom property with little to no garage or outdoor effects £400-£450 + vat 7.5 tonne removal vehicle with 2 staff members.

Typical 3 bedroom property with outdoor and garage effects £500-£550 + Vat 7.5 + 3.5 tonne removal vehicle with 3 staff members.

Typical 4 bedroomed property with outdoor and garage effects £600-£700 + Vat 18 tonne removal vehicle with 3 staff members.

Please see our website for our 5 star reviews.

Removal vehicle

Moving home