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What is the process on removal day?

Our team arrive at our depot at around 7.30am-7.45am, they will retrieve their job sheet for the day and get the vehicle ready for your removal by putting on the right equipment.  This may include mattress bags, settee covers, wardrobe cartons, packing materials if needed, tools to help with dismantling and reassembling and any cases for storage if applicable.

They will check the route for any traffic and head off to your collection address.

They will park appropriately and come to meet you and your family.  They will introduce themselves and ask for a tour of the property.  They will protect carpets and flooring before entry.

They will return to the vehicle and prepare for your removal, getting any ramps down and materials they need to assist.

They will start to load larger pieces of furniture such as settees, wardrobes, bookcases, beds and then continue to load the vehicle appropriately.

They will wrap your mattresses and settees and pack your hanging clothes into wardrobe cartons.

Once fully loaded they will ask you to check your property to ensure you are happy all items have been taken.

They will check the delivery address with you and then make their way to your new property.  They may stop off for a drink and lunch on the way.

They will then wait outside your new property and wait until you have keys.

They will protect any carpets and flooring and then ask to be shown around so they know the layout and which is  bedroom 1 for example.

They will unload all of your items carefully and place them where you require.

Once you are happy the vehicle is empty and all belongings are where you require, they will ask you to sign off your job sheet and then leave you to settle in.

A few days after your removal our office team will email to ask you to leave a review if you are happy to do so.