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What to take when moving home

When moving home it is a good opportunity to have a clear out which you may have not had the time to do for a while.

When our surveyors visit your property to provide a quotation it would be great if they can see what items you are hoping to take with you.  The reason for this is, if they see more items when surveying your property, this may increase the cost of your removal due to needing a larger vehicle.

We are always happy to resurvey once you have had a clear out if this is the case.

Things which you may not need to take – old documents, paperwork not required anymore, books if you no longer read them perhaps consider donating to a local charity, old clothes which you no longer wear.  I find it quite therapeutic to be able to have a good sort of things I have not used in a while.

We are unable to transport any flammable items so fuel, paints, oils etc.